Unearthing the Art of Archives
Craft Archival sound and vision provide a rich tapestry to bring nonfiction works to life. Join our esteemed panel of archive experts as they draw on recent work to shed light on how best to research, source, manage your footage and clear archives for your productions.
Archival sound and vision in documentary and factual productions provide a rich tapestry of content to bring unique stories and creative visions to life. And yet, it can also be a complex world to negotiate for filmmakers.
In this session we dig into the art of working with archives featuring directors, producers, researchers, and archivists to provide insights into how best to research, source, and manage your footage, prepare the edit, and clear archives for your productions. Our esteemed panel of archivists, including Tasha James (Still We Rise), Madeleine Parry (The Angels: Kickin’ Down the Door), and Catherine Dwyer (Brazen Hussies, Queerstralia) will shed light on the difference between sourcing content from archive houses, public domain libraries, commercial archives, and music libraries, as well as licensing and cultural rights clearances.
Image Credit: Brazen Hussies, Film Camp, 2020

Date & Time
9:00 – 10:00, Wednesday 8 March 2023
ACMI Cinema 2
Session Producer
Philippa Campey