Shaunak Sen (India)

Shaunak Sen is a Delhi-based filmmaker and writer.

His new feature documentary is the Academy Award-nominated All That Breathes, which won the L’Oeil d’Or (Golden Eye) for the best documentary at the 2022 Cannes Film Festival and the World Cinema Grand Jury Prize at the 2022 Sundance International Film Festival, becoming the first film in history to do so.

The film recently won the Grierson Award in Documentary Competition at the BFI – London Film Festival and has won top awards at various other festivals. 

Shaunak was invited to pitch All That Breathes at AIDC’s 2021 FACTory International PItching Forum under its previous title, Airborne

He has received grants from IDFA-Bertha, Sundance Documentary Grant, Tribeca-Gucci Grant amongst others. Shaunak also has a PhD and has published in various academic journals. His previous film was Cities of Sleep (2016).