Matthew Thorne (Australia)

Matthew Thorne is an award-winning artist, filmmaker and photographer. 

His film and photographic work explores contemporary ‘Australian’ identity, spirituality, masculinity, and relationship to land, through blurred fiction/non-fiction frameworks. He often works directly with real communities and people using co-created and re-enacted storytelling practices.

Matthew’s work has been shown at various festivals around the world. In 2023, for Marungka Tjalatjunu (Dipped in Black), he and co-director Derik Lynch received the Silver Bear Jury Prize (Short Film) and Teddy Award for Short Film at the Berlinale, and the Documentary Australia Award at the Sydney Film Festival, as well a nomination for Best Short Documentary at the International Documentary Association Awards.

He has also received the Taylor Wessing Portrait Prize, UK (2020), National Portrait Prize, Australia (2021), Australian Directors Guild Award for Music Video (2021), Adelaide Film Festival & Samstag Gallery of Art Commission (2022), the Martin Kantor Portrait Prize (2023), and was nominated for the Olive Cotton Award (2023).

Matthew lives and works between Athens and Adelaide.