Amy Rose (UK)

Amy Rose is a highly acclaimed director and maker, known for creating sensory stories that experiment with new technologies.

In all her work, Amy seeks innovative methods for creating connection with audiences – playing with the body as much as speaking to the mind.

In 2013, together with May Abdalla she co-founded Anagram, to explore the use of emerging immersive technologies and audience participation in non-fiction storytelling. Their work spans many forms – ranging from a blindfolded experience about being lost that took place in a 6000sq ft sensory set (Door Into The Dark, winner of Tribeca Film Festival Storyscapes Award 2015), to a VR piece about power and control for two people at a time (The Collider, winner of 2019 Sandbox Immersive Art Award) to numerous interactive audio pieces for museums and public space.

Originally a documentary filmmaker with an MFA in directing from Edinburgh College of Art, she made finely crafted and playful observational documentaries for the international film festival circuit for many years.