Indigenous Creators Program Session Two: Funding & Legals

Business- Indigenous only Screen Australia and The Arts Law Centre of Australia step you through the key things you need to know about how funding works and the legals of film production.

No matter how good a story, how strong a team or how good the gear, the unravelling of a project often comes down to two things: funding and legalities. In this informative session, Laurrie Brannigan-Onato (Junior Development Manager, Screen Australia Indigenous) and Suzanne Derry (Senior Solicitor, Arts Law Centre of Australia) will provide insight into how to feel financially and legally secure no matter what stage of the production process you’re in.

The Indigenous Creators Program is a series of four sessions that are available to all Indigenous and Torres Strait Islander practitioners registered to attend AIDC with an All Access Pass or Focus Pass. These sessions are optional and will be closed to media and non-Indigenous identifying practitioners.


[Pic: Black Divaz, 2018]

